Wednesday 30 March 2016

Cosmetic Anti Aging Treatments

There are now many options when it comes to cosmetic anti aging treatments. Cosmetic anti aging treatments could be surgical or natural. Skin resurfacing peels are surgical treatments that include chemical and laser peels. Non-surgical treatments now include microdermabrasion and herbal skin remedies.

Laser Peel Treatment:

The laser peel treatment utilizes a laser, which is carbon dioxide. The laser gets rid of fine lines, wrinkles and general skin damage, gradually peeling off very thin layers of skin. The treatment gives the patient a clearer complexion with reduced creases, scars and dark spots. It targets wrinkles surrounding the eyes and mouth, but can also be performed on the whole face and body.

There are still side effects that occur, particularly in brown, black and olive skin types. As exact as it can be, individuals with those skin types can still end up with uneven skin tones after the procedure. In severe cases, there may be bleeding and bruising.

Chemical Peel Procedure:

Chemical peel treatments target wrinkles, dark spots and pimples. During treatment, the outer layers of the skin are gradually peeled off until the skin has a clearer, polished surface.

One ingredient used in some chemical peel formulas is Alphahydroxy acid, a fruit acid that is one of the mildest ingredients used in skin resurfacing procedures. The chemical Phenol is a stronger solution used to treat more visible wrinkles and extensive skin damaged caused by UV rays. Risks include scarring especially on the neck and other parts of the body.

Microdermabrasion treatment:

Microdermabrasion is another peeling procedure but is less harsh than chemical ones and can be performed at a clinic, spa or even at home. There are now microdermabrasion kits sold over the counter. During the procedure, the outer layer of the skin is peeled by exfoliation. The method clears pores and improves skin cell turnover. This method is therefore good for those who have acne problems and scars caused by acne.
One may apply crystals or crystal-free treatment on the skin. A microdermabrasion procedure can be rather abrasive, depending on the hardness, abrasiveness and type of crystals used. For example, sensitive skin can react negatively towards aluminum-oxide crystals. Thus, there is always some risk, as with most kinds of treatments. An individual undergoing microdermabrasion treatment may need to be treated every other week or every 6 weeks if he/she would like to maintain youthful skin.

Organic Skin Care Treatment:

If you are looking for a more affordable alternative, get into an organic skin care treatment. The natural ingredients in organic skin care can get rid of sun damage as well as wrinkles. Essential oils, body butter and carrier oils are just some of the natural remedies found in an organic skin care treatment. Essential oils can come from tea tree, lemongrass, peppermint, jojoba and lavender.
There are two well-known anti aging treatments and they are honey and shea butter. Honey contains antioxidants that are good for sealing in much needed moisture in the skin. Shea butter has the ability to cure dermatitis, stretch marks and eczema and is clinically proven as a safe ingredient.
When searching for an organic skin care treatment, look for those that is more than 50% organic, as this type of treatment is known to be better on the skin.

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