Tuesday 19 April 2016

Statistics of Plastic Surgery

The growth in cosmetic plastic surgery is not limited to the shores of the UK. People all over the world choose this type of surgery to amend facial or body features about themselves. Long gone are the days when one was forced to accept there birth features for better or for worse. Nowadays plastic surgery transplants are also being carried out on young people.

Plastic surgery of course is not an operation that should be taken light heartedly. The pleasure of seeing ones body change into something more desirable or to your own liking, does not come without its costs and body discomfort during the healing process. It is therefore paramount that any such surgery is only taken out after thorough consideration. Where possible it is also wise to accept advice from those close to you, as there maybe alternative methods that could work out just as effectively. For example in the instance surgery is sought to help reduce weight a proper diet that is followed could just as well do the trick without the financial costs involved in surgery. Also do not forget plastic surgery does require aftercare and depending on the type of plastic surgery you intent carrying out, this could be a number of months.

So how many people actually carry out plastic surgery each year and what type of surgery do they undertake?

Well in 2006 over 11.5 million cosmetic surgery procedures were carried out in the United States of America alone, a 447 per cent increase in the amount of plastic surgery operations carried out in 1997.The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery's cosmetic surgery statistics are the most comprehensive collection of data available on the number of cosmetic surgical and no surgical procedures performed in the United States
Below is a breakdown of the 11.5 million plastic surgery operations carried out.

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Procedures

The top five most popular surgical procedures in 2006 include:
· Liposuction - 403,684
· Breast augmentation - 383,886
· Eyelid surgery - 209,999
· Abdominoplasty - 172,457
· Breast Reduction - 145,822

Cosmetic Non-Surgical Procedures

· Over 8 million minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, which require no surgery, were performed in 2006.
· The top five most popular non-surgical procedures in 2006 include:
· Botox - 3.1 million
· Hyaluronic Acid (Hylaform, Restylane) - 1.5 million
· Laser hair removal - 1.4 million
· Microdermabrasion - 993,071
· Laser Skin Resurfacing - 556,172
Non-Cosmetic Plastic Surgeries
· In 2006 over five million reconstructive surgeries were performed.
· The top five reconstructive plastic surgeries in 2006
· Tumor Removal - 3.9 million
· Laceration Repair - 312,844
· Scar Revision - 164,684
· Hand Surgery - 155,810
· Breast Reduction - 104,455


· People of color accounted for approximately 23 percent of cosmetic procedures in 2006.
· Hispanics - 8% in 2006. The top three requested procedures for Hispanics in 2006:
· Breast Augmentation
· Nose Reshaping
· Liposuction

African-Americans - 7% of African-Americans got procedures in 2006; The top three requested procedures for African-Americans in 2006 were, nose reshaping, liposuction and breast reduction
Asian-Americans - 6% of Asians got procedures in 2006; the top three requested procedures for Asian-Americans in 2006 were nose reshaping, breast Augmentation, eyelid Surgery

According to cosmetic surgery statistics, a growing number of the cosmetic surgeons practicing today are unqualified for the procedures that they perform. Routine cosmetic plastic surgery procedures are sometimes messed up, with horrifying results. Just imagine your friend going in for a breast reduction or a tummy tuck, and never coming out alive. It is important to research any major decision that you are making, but cosmetic surgery statistics are unusually important.

Plastic surgery statistics

1. Lipoplasty (Liposuction) with 455,489 procedures performed, down five percent from last year. Interestingly, 21% of these procedures were ultrasound-assisted Lipoplasty (UAL)
2. Breast Augmentation with 364,610 procedures up nine percent from 2004. For the first time, we categorized saline vs. silicone augmentation. 83.4 percent of respondents used the saline device, 16.6 percent the silicone implant.
3. Blepharoplasty (cosmetic eyelid surgery) came in third with 231,467 procedures down 20 percent from 2004
4. Rhinoplasty (nose reshaping) is the forth most common procedure with 200,924 procedures performed, an increase of 21 percent over 2004
5. Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) reported 169,314 procedures, up 12 percent from 2004.
Location and Fees

The above clearly shows plastic surgery is not something that is limited to the rich and famous. Where actually was all this plastic surgery carried out. Well again statistics showover forty-eight percent (48.3 percent) of cosmetic procedures in 2005 were performed in office-based facilities; 27.9 percent in freestanding surgicenters; and 23.8 percent in hospitals. Americans spent just under $12.4 billion on cosmetic procedures; $8.2 billion was for surgical procedures, and $4.2 billion was for nonsurgical procedures.

In conclusion, if you are considering a surgical or non-surgical procedure it is important that you consider your reasons for wanting the procedure, your expectations of the results the procedure may bring, as well as making sure that you have all the information you need to make a properly informed decision about whether to go ahead. As can be seen from the chart above, cosmetic plastic surgery can be expensive financially, let alone the recuperation time needed.

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