Wednesday 9 December 2015

Ditch the Wrinkle Cream: Anti-Aging Properties of Natural Oils, and 5 DIY Formulas

As we age, our natural oil production decreases, creating dry skin that, over time, is less resilient to the constant stretching of our muscles, resulting in wrinkles. Besides eatinghealthy, plant based foods, the logical solution to prevent wrinkles is to simply replace the lost oils! There are plenty of products on the market that claim to do just that. But pick up any bottle of the latest anti-aging or wrinkle cream and read the ingredient list; if you aren’t shocked by the difficult-to-pronounce-or-identify ingredients, then you just might be shocked by how many ingredients there are!
Our skin is the largest organ in our body and the first barrier of defense against bacteria, viruses, and disease. Natural oils are lipophilic, which means they slip easily and quickly right into the lipid layer of the skin, trapping water and moisture inside. Many commercial wrinkle creams contain oils, but those oils are mixed with chemical fragrances and other toxic ingredients that hitch a ride right into that lipid layer. Rather than be boosted by the supplemental oils, your body now must spend energy combating those toxic intruders!
Natural oils contain nothing to cause the immune system alarm, can be absorbed safely, effectively, and retain moisture. Plus, the nutrients and proteins in essential oils actually encourage cell-regeneration and won’t clog pores! Why spend excessive amounts of money on counterproductive poisonous commercial creams when you can make your own safe and effective recipes at home? Here are 5 DIY Anti-Aging Serums that contain natural oils to prevent and combat wrinkles:

1. Rosehip & Carrot Seed Facial Serum

You’ve likely heard the term Retinol tossed around in skincare advertisements. That’s because retinol is a form of Vitamin A, which is highly antioxidant, great at repairing damaged tissue, and reducing scars and wrinkles. Rosehip seed oil is especially high in retinol, as well as omega fatty acids, and the potent antioxidants lycopene and beta-carotene.
Carrot seed oil is packed with vitamins and nutrients, most important of which are carotenoids. Carotenoids can boost the body’s immune response to UV rays, which makes it excellent at preventing sun damage. Carrot seed oil also detoxifies and stimulates the rejuvenation of cells.
This great recipe combines both these amazing oils to create a fantastic moisturizing serum for mature, dry, or damaged skin.

2. Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream

This Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream recipe is thickened with beeswax, so if you choose not to use bee products, you can substitute with any of these natural waxes.  In addition to rosehip and carrot seed oils, this cream uses apricot kernel oil. Apricot kernel oil is high in gamma linoleum acid, which helps balance moisture levels in the skin. It’s also full of vitamins A & E; both super skin rejuvenating. It’s easily absorbed and non-greasy.

3. Eczema Cream

Worse than wrinkles are dry scaly patches caused by eczema! If you suffer from this common skin condition (or even if you don’t) you’ll love the hydrating and repairing power of this great DIY cream. It contains only four ingredients, one of which is geranium oil. Geranium oil is astringent, which means it tightens the skin, reducing sagging. In addition to stimulating cell regeneration, it’s antibacterial — great for those prone to acne!

4. Coconut Whipped Body Butter

Coconut oil is readily available and very popular right now because of its ample benefits to skin and body. It’s a natural, easily absorbed moisturizer that is solid at room temperature. Coconut oil can protect from free radicals and delays wrinkles and sagging skin. When whipped in a stand mixer, this delicious body butter is silky smooth, and can be used on the face as well as the body.

5. Olive Oil Cleanser and Moisturizer

Many natural oils can be used to clean skin as well as moisturize, as is the case with this simpleOlive Oil Cleanser and Moisturizer recipe. And olive oil is highly anti-inflammatory, making it ideal for sensitive or acne riddled skin. It protects against free radicals, as well as having antimicrobial properties.
Give some of these recipes a try, and let us know how it goes!

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