Wednesday 24 February 2016

Best Anti Aging Foods To Boost Your Health and Fitness

We are all living longer than ever before and our expectations about how we want to look and feel are higher than ever. Anti Aging foods can help us stay agile, fit, healthy, more creative, happier and more youthful!
The secret to staying healthy has always been a good diet but we can do more?
By avoiding processed foods, sugar, salt and fats and limiting alcohol we can begin to reduce the risk of disease and weight gain. But what about maintaining energy levels and feeling fit and active? We want to have good eyesight, healthy skin and hair and a better memory. The good news is that by choosing anti aging foods we can almost turn back the clock to make us look better and feel younger!
Anti aging foods are fresh and natural and are best eaten raw or cooked in a way that will preserve their life enhancing nutrients. We have to begin taking notice of our body's signals. How do we feel after a 4 course meal with fatty sauces and lots of carbohydrates followed by a sticky dessert and a couple of glasses of wine? The answer is probably tired and looking for a place to have a little snooze. We have to wake up and realize that eating nature's super foods can keep us younger and more energetic for longer! Some fun exercise every day and a diet planned around the super foods below will stave off, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and arthritis. Anti aging foods boost energy, improve skin and hair and enhance mental performance.
Begin right now with..
Fruits: In every color and shape with amazing tastes and aromas. They are packed full of vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients to protect skin, eyes, bones and the immune system.
Vegetables and Salad: From dark green broccoli to delicate salad leaves these are powerful antioxidants with a host of vitamins and minerals. The best insurance against heart disease and a mighty boost for the immune system. May even help ward off cancer.
Pulses, Peas, Beans and Lentils: A perfect balance of proteins and complex carbohydrates loaded with fibre which lowers cholesterol plus B vitamins, Magnesium, Zinc and Iron.
Nuts and Seeds: Fabulous Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils protect your heart and improve immunity. Great for the skin too! If you don't like fish eat nuts and seeds instead.
Whole Grains: Brown rice and pasta, rye bread and oats are delicious and loaded with fiber. Who would want to eat a fluffy white bread when you can have a whole grain bread with crunchy seeds on the top?
Good Fats and Oil: Olive oil and other cold pressed oils provide essential antioxidant protection.
Fish: All fish but especially the oily kind are perfect anti aging foods. Salmon, sardines, tuna and herring are rich in omega-3 oils. Essential fatty acids that boost the immune system and are often called brain foods!
Lean meat: Chicken, turkey and game are perfect low-fat proteins essential for cell repair.
Cheese and Milk: These are proteins with a higher fat content and should be kept to a minimum. Natural yogurt is a good choice.
Is it time to change the way you think about food?
We cannot stay young forever but we can make 70 the new 50 and enjoy every minute of our healthy, active lifestyle! Don't wait too long. Begin eating anti aging foods today and feel more active and more attractive than ever before. Maintain a healthy weight, boost your energy and invest in your good health!
Carol Engelmann is 62 and passionate about everything anti aging.
She believes that getting older does not mean looking and feeling older. Choosing foods that are bursting with nutrients can slow down many signs of the aging process. Carol writes exclusively for women approaching 60 and over. Her enthusiasm for skin care, make up, fitness and healthy lifestyle is infectious and inspires older women to stay fitter, live longer and look and feel younger! Healthy juicing is the cornerstone of The Anti Aging Diet and Carol has a gold mine of tips for revitalizing and energizing juices and recipes to help turn back the clock!

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