Friday 26 February 2016

Top Beauty Secrets That Every Woman Should Know

Virtually every woman knows some things about how to make themselves beautiful but most often times this general beauty knowledge must be fined tuned to get the best results; most women know what to do to look more beautiful, but they most probably do not know how to do what they know to do properly.

In this article we shall be looking at some very common beauty tips that most women are conversant with to reveal the actual secrets and not too common truths about these tips that you must apply if you want to become more beautiful:

Secret 1-Your skin cleanser might be end up making your skin look more terrible
Many of the common clean cleansers actually end up irritating most skins irrespective of whether your skin is a sensitive skin or not. If you want to cleanse your skin without irritating your skin, it is better to make use of a gentle cleanser that removes dirt and excess sebum (skin oil) without tightening or irritating the skin; avoid cleansers that contain detergents, or alcohol, or fragrances, or other ingredients that are capable of blocking the skin pores.

You should also avoid natural cleansers that contain lemon, mint, cinnamon and essential oils as these natural ingredients also irritate the skin.

Secret 2-Make use exfoliating agents to make your skin glow
If you want a perfect glowing skin, you can make use of exfoliation; if you exfoliate your skin properly, you would open up your skin pores to allow for the proper penetration of skin care serums and creams which will result in your skin becoming bright and glowing. However, if you have rosacea or active acne, you should seek the approval of your dermatologist before you make use of any exfoliating agent.

Secret 3-Make use of retinoids to slow down skin aging
Even though retinoids or retinols which are derivatives of vitamin A were first developed to treat acne, they can also be used to make fine facial lines become smoother.
The beneficial effects of retinoids on the skin include the following:
-They make the epidermis and dermis thicker
-They help to exfoliate dead cells
-They increase the turnover of keratinocytes and they increase the secretion of collagen and hyaluronic acid (this carbohydrate is a natural lubricant present in the joints, muscles, and skin)
You should note however that retionoids make the skin more sensitive to sunlight so, it is better to use retinoids at night.

Secret 4-Scrub your face frequently to make your skin look sweet
You need to scrub your face regularly to maintain a healthy skin and you can either make use of home- facials or you can go for spa treatments.
If you want to scrub your face at home you can follow these steps:
-Scrub your face with sugar by applying sugar to your face in gentle circular motions
-Wash your face with lukewarm water and then pat dry your face
-Apply steam to your face by standing over a boiled pot of water for a few minutes

Secret 5- Scrub your body
Most of the time when we talk about scrubbing we only remember to scrub our faces without bothering to scrub our bodies and quite a number of the bathing soaps that we use to bathe our bodies only make the skin over our feet, legs, and arms to become scaly.

However, we can make use of a homemade natural scrubbing agent by mixing coconut oil with kosher salt, with sugar, with some minced basil into a paste which we then apply on our bodies to scrub our bodies. We can also expose our bodies to steam after scrubbing to give our bodies' better treatment.

Secret 6 - Make use of better soaking techniques for your manicure and apply post pedicure wrap for better results

To get better results, you should mix shower gel with warm water before you soak your hands in this solution for five minutes; this will result in you getting softer and better manicured cuticles.
Also, if you can rub petroleum jelly on your feet and then wrap your feet in cellophane for 15 minutes, you would be able to get rid of all the dry foot problems that the use of a pumice stone could not get rid of.

Secrete 7 -Hydrate your hair properly by avoiding the root
When you want to condition your hair, you have to be careful to do it the right way; apply your conditioner from the tips of your hair down to the mid shaft of your hairs taking care to avoid your hair roots. This is because your scalp secrets certain natural oils that take care of the roots of naturally and if you apply artificial conditioners to these roots they might disturb the natural conditioning process at the roots of your hairs.

Secrete 8 - Don't always assume that it is dandruff that you are treating every time you have dry scalp
Do not limit the treatment of dry scalp to the use of dandruff shampoo alone as dry scalp is also caused by improper rinsing of the hair or the build up of residue from a bad product. So, if your dandruff is not going despite treatment with anti-dandruff shampoo, you should try to rinse your scalp more thoroughly or you should upgrade your hair product.

Secret 9 -Cutting your hair too short might end up making you look old
Even though pixie cuts might be the thing in vogue now, it might not actually help you to look younger and if you allow your hair be a bit long, the presence of hair behind your ear will actually soften your neck and thus make you look younger than your actual age.

Secret 10 -Don't tell your stylist to cut off "inches" of your hair
 For quite a number of us, hair styling is a game of "inches"; when we go to the salon to get a haircut we often tell our stylist to cut off certain number of inches from our hair. However, different people have different ideas about how long an inch is and your stylist idea of the length of hair that you want to cut off might be different from yours.

So, it is better to use your thumb or other fingers to describe the length of hair that you want to cut off when you go to your stylist, that way you are sure that you are on the same wavelength with your stylist when you are describing the length of hair that you want to cut off to your stylist.
Secret 11-Eat the right kinds of foods

If you want to become and stay slim and beautiful you must have a healthy and slimming diet plan that you are following; you cannot just eat as you want if you do not want to bloat up and become shapeless.

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